When you’re on the hunt for a wedding pocket square in New York, you have your mind on one thing: A successful purchase. However, after you hit the mark, the question shifts: How do you use a pocket square? And how can you keep it folded and sharp for your upcoming wedding?
Below, we’re answering the big questions regarding your new pocket square with tips for a fashionable appearance on your big day.
What Styles Are Available For Groom Pocket Square Folds?
Your pocket squares are completely customizable, giving you about as personalized a fashion statement as you can get. There are many different ways to fold your square, such as:
- The Single Peak
- The Dual or “Two Peak”
- The Stairs
- The Presidential
We’ve summarized step-by-step tutorials to help you fold groom pocket square folds in New York below.
The Single Peak
Folding a Single Peak pocket square is simple:
- Lay your square flat on the table.
- Fold your square in half.
- Fold in half again, making your square a true folded square.
- Fold the top right corner to the center of your square, creating an inverse triangle in the middle of your square’s appearance. Do the same with the left. Your square should now resemble a kite.
- Fold the bottom up and weave it into your pocket square holder.
The Dual or “Two Peak”
You can fold a Dual/Two Peak using the following steps:
- Lay your square flat on the table.
- Fold the bottom corner to the top, forming a tilted triangle.
- Fold the right corner left and slightly past the center.
- Fold the left corner over to the right and tuck any loose fabric.
- Fold the bottom up and weave it into your pocket square holder.
The Stairs
Here’s how you can fold a Stair-style square:
- Lay your square flat on the table.
- Fold in half diagonally, forming a triangle.
- Pinch the fabric about an inch below the first “stair” and fold it up to form the second. Repeat to form a third stair.
- Holding your stairs, fold the square in half from a diagonal angle.
- Fold the sides neatly, folding the left behind the right.
- Fold the bottom up and weave it into your pocket square holder.
The Presidential
You can get this classic look in just a few steps:
- Lay your square flat on the table.
- Fold in half, moving from the right side to the left.
- Fold in half again, leaving a slight gap with this second fold. Move from the left to the right, opposing your first fold.
- Fold your rectangle in half.
- Fold the bottom up and weave it into your pocket square holder.
Practice makes perfect, so allow yourself some time to perfect your fold before the bid event.
Find The Best Wedding Pocket Squares
Looking for the best squares on the market? Connect with the team at Pocketsquares. We’re here to help you find a style you love at a price you’ll love (even more!) For more information and to get started today, shop the store or contact us today. We look forward to assisting you.